15 mac 2017 discussion

Chapters 6: HIRARC

                                  Hazard identification,risk assessment and risk control

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day, today we are given the new task for chapter 6. This group discussion consist of 3 members, I,Muhammad Mustaqim Bin Kamarazaman,Muhahmmad Nur Safuan Bin Sahdan& Muhamad Fairuz Bin Mohamad Mashudi and we are from the Switch's group.
Why need  risk control?

  Risk control is, elimination or inactivation of a hazard in a manner such that the hazard does not pose a risk to workers who have to enter into an area or work on equipment in the course of scheduled work. Why do we need risk control?

*Project problems can be reduced as much as 90% by using risk analysis.
  1)More info available during planning.
  2)Improved probability of success/optimum project.
  1)Belief that all risks are accounted for.

  2)Project cut due risk level.

  1. Elimination 
  • Remove hazard from workplace
  • Get rid of hazardous job, tools,process, equipment, machines or substance

       2. Substitution 

  • Replacing a hazardous substances or work practice with a less hazardous one 
  • Doing the same work in less hazardous substances

        3. Isolation 
  • Isolation the hazard by controlling or guarding it.
  • Install guard,barrier
  • Lockout system
  • Safe clearance 
     4. Engineering controls

  •  Modification
  •  Redesign
  • Local exhaust ventilation

     5. Administrative controls 

  • Implement policies, procedures, and training.
  • Signage 
  • .Supervision
  • Inspection

          6. Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Covering and protecting a workers body from hazards.It can be used as a short-terms control measure until a higher order"control has been provide or to supplement it.The employer would to use it and the employee would have a responsibility to use it properly.
  • Some example of PEE are: use ear plugs in noisy areas, use eye protection when working with chemicals and use gloves to protect against infection.

What will happen if risk not control?

        Workers may got the serious accident that can cause them get into the hospital such as arm and leg broken, head blooded, and the most critical is death. In order to reduce the hazard or most critical hazard rate, the employer should show commitment towards safety and health practices & therefore giveful priority to promote enforce the safety & health rules in workplace. Hierarchy of control were use in order to minimize & control the most critical hazard that exist at the workplace. Next, to ensure the safety culture can be implemented in on organization. The management & workers have to take part in any safety & health programme and give a full cooperation when come to safety & health issues.We should practice safe and healthy of living in this world with applying the enforcement rules and regulation that related the workplace safety and hygiene. The most important things in this world is "health" without it life is nothing. What- If hazard analysis is a relatively simple and flexible method and identifying and analyzing hazard in a process, activity or system. It can be apply to a wide range of circumstances in almost all industries. As one of the process hazard analysis methods listed in the OSHA Process Safety Management standard, the What -If method has become a commonly use technique, both in regulated and non regulated operation


  The conclusion we can get from this group discussion:
  • In order to reduce the hazard or most critical hazard rate,emplyoyer should show commitment toward safety and health pratices and therefore give full priority to promote and enforce the safety and healty rules.
  • Hierarchy of control were use in oder to  minimize and control the most critical hazard.
  • To ensure the safety culture can be immplented in an organizations.


  • https://www.osha.gov/dte/grant_materials/fy08/sh-17814-08/4-hazard_prevention_control.ppt 
  • http://boeingconsult.com/tafe/Safety/RiskAssessment.html
  • https://www.slideshare.net/drleeow/hirarc-12314267
  • https://www.slideshare.net/izamlukman/hierarchy-of-control

1 ulasan:

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